Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Safe Use & Handling Of Firearms | Christian Gun Owners & Security
Tactical Firearms Training | CGOS
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Tactical Firearms Training Courses | CGOS
Tactical Firearms Training Courses | CGOS Tactical Firearms Training Courses | CGOS
Tactical Firearms Training Courses | CGOS
Tactical Firearms Training Courses | CGOS Tactical Firearms Training Courses | CGOS
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CGOS (Christian Gun Owners and Security) have skilled and knowledgeable people who hold and prescribe to a Biblical Worldview. They are available to instruct and inform you as to how to increase your chances of survival. We instruct in tactics, tactical moves and knowledge, that have kept your instructors alive in numerous contacts and conflicts. Such tactics have been used in the jungles of South East Asia, on the streets of Northern Ireland, as well as in conflicts in Africa, Iraq and the Middle East. We have gained knowledge working in nine different operational theatres staying alive by adapting to different topography both rural and urban in hostile conditions. This tactical know-how is yours for the asking. It is knowledge and training that may give you that small advantage that keeps you and your family alive.

No war stories and no Rambo, just good firearm tactics and movement, as well as security savvy. CGOS at times give free instruction to selected Mission organizations and home church groups. (Contact for more information).

Our two-day Tactical Training Course is tailored for civilians. Ordinary men and woman who wants to learn tactical movement with a firearm and how to plan home security. The course never exceeds more than six people at a time assuring you of personal instruction. (Should you be interested in our professional three-week course for CQP (Close Qarter Protection) operators to become a fully registered operators / personal body guards, contact us for more details)

Free and on offer is a once-off introduction informative lecture (subject to costs)

The two-day basic tactical course can be run for your convenience either over the weekend or week days, subject to your requirements and space on any course. The course consists of three 45-minute classroom lectures, consisting of:

Our Firearms Training Program (Can be tailored to clients’ circumstances / requests):

  • Is it crime or is it terrorism?
  • Personal survival
  • Personal protection is more than just learning how to defend yourself
  • Knowing the enemy
  • The secret of defence
  • Learn how criminals select their victims
  • Intelligence and Counterintelligence what is it and why you need it
  • Home invasions what they are how you can stop them  
  • Range work
  • Basic gun logic thinking  

Christian Gun Owners And Security | Tactical Training Courses

Praise be to the Lord my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle Psalm 144:1

More South Africans have been brutally murdered in what has been euphemistically called peace in the new South Africa (1994 on) than the US army have had killed in Iraq by direct military action. (I am not talking I.E.D's* or suicide bombers). If one takes into consideration, forevery man woman and child that has been brutally slain in their home within the borders of South Africa the murder has entailed a one-on-one confrontation. In other words, a calculated planned and executed act of killing carried out by a single perpetrator or a small violent group. Many of the deaths could have been avoided had the victims be more aware or been instructed in survival techniques. That is not to say it was the victims’ fault but most certainly had they had some basic understanding or knowledge of action to be taken their death may have been avoided.  

70% of car-related crimes occur when vehicles are parked at home. In a survey it was indicated that only 9.2% had occurred in a public parking lot. So a high percentage of car crime is perpetrated when you are in a place of sanctuary. Apart from the fact you did not know that, you probably have never been told how to avoid it.


Do you run outside when the vehicle alarm goes off? Unarmed, ill prepared, and poorly trained. Thinking when you shout: “Hey you! Get away from my car!” that they will run away?

Are you aware that an average of 30% of all house robbers have committed murder or will not hesitate to commit murder?

Dr. Zinn Robbery Research

This statement implies that we have 30% of murderers out there waiting to do it again. Is it not to your benefit to have some security training and instruction for your family?

Many of you surrendered your firearms out of ignorance and fear as you had no knowledge of how to legally keep them or it appeared to be too difficult.

And today because guns have had a bad press many people who want a gun for self-defence don’t even know the correct legal procedure of how to get one due to the vacillation of CFR (Central Firearms Registration)

Again, is it not worthwhile to put aside a week end to gain knowledge that may very well save your life and the lives of your loved ones?

*IED: Improvised Explosive Device

Surely a people perish for lack of knowledge.  Hosea 4:6


Christian Gun Owners and Security | Tactical Training Courses

Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security

Hosea 7:11
“So Ephraim has become like a silly dove, without sense; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria”

 (They call to wicked governments, the UN)

Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security Tactical Firearms Training | Christian Gun Owners & Security